WTD2019: Sharing Messages of Support and Gratitude for our Teachers

UNESCO World Teachers' Day 2019 poster

Today is a big day for us at The Well Teacher and humanworks - it’s World Teachers’ Day! Today is the day where everyone, around the globe takes a moment to reflect on the teachers in their lives and be grateful for everything teachers do and have done for us, on a day-in-day-out basis. 

This year’s theme chosen by UNESCO is: Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession. Reading the concept note UNESCO put together for this year’s event, makes it very clear just how much the profession of teaching has changed - how many more challenges teachers contend with in order to be successful in their roles. These increasing pressures and challenges are felt especially in the attrition rates for new teachers entering the profession - one survey found that in the US, over 41% of K-12 teachers leave the profession within five years of entry. That’s massive! 

While we at The Well Teacher can’t solve numbers like that overnight, we are doing what we can to help teachers feel more supported and experience improved wellness in their roles. One thing that we hope to do this year to honour World Teachers’ Day is to enhance the positive narrative around teachers and to offer new teachers, in particular, with words of wisdom and encouragement so that no one feels alone or unseen. 

We ask all of our friends and followers to take a moment today to either post in the comments below or post on their own feeds or stories, messages about a teacher that has had a positive impact in their lives. Or, if you are a teacher yourself, share an important moment in your life as a teacher that made all the challenges feel just a little bit less like challenges. Share moments that have “filled your cup” so-to-speak. Please be sure to tag us @thewellteacherCA or use the hashtag #thewellteacher and we will collect all the stories we can and feature them in the featured stories section on our Instagram account. We hope that whenever someone needs to refill their cup, they can come to this space and hear messages of support, encouragement, gratitude, and love. 

From all of us at The Well Teacher, happy World Teachers’ Day 2019!

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