The Well Teacher | humanworks press | Blog

  • This Is Hard. COVID Fatigue, Teaching, and What You Can Do About It.

    It’s not just you, the topic of COVID fatigue seems to be everywhere right now (Ries, J. February 5, 2021). And, rightfully so. We are closing in on a year of living through a global pandemic. The adrenaline-pumping newness of it all has well and truly worn off and we are now fully entrenched in the monotony of lockdowns, restrictions, lack of social contact with friends and family, face masks and hand sanitizer, and, for many, additional responsibilities to their workload with COVID safety protocols and cleaning procedures. It’s all downright exhausting.
  • 5 Trends in Teacher Wellness to Watch Out for in 2021

    In “normal” years, there are somewhat predictable wellness patterns with the teachers we work with; the challenges that teachers experience and when they tend to experience them have a general flow. In 2020 though, the word “unpredictable” just doesn’t seem to do it justice. Teacher wellness was challenged in unexpected and difficult ways. And, with today marking the first day back in the classroom for many, we think it’s a good time to look back at some of those unique struggles that emerged for teachers throughout 2020 and that we should keep in mind as we move forward into 2021.
  • On this World Teachers' Day...

    What I wish people would remember about teaching in the time of COVID, is that teachers have been asked to do what most others have been vehemently told to avoid. Teachers have ultimately been asked to go into public settings with groups of people who are outside their own bubbles, sometimes will little guidance or resources on how best to implement new and evolving government guidelines and health regulations. While most of us were still figuring out how best to work from home, teachers were considering how to return to school and keep themselves and their students safe during a global health crisis.