Teaching is such a mentally and physically demanding profession that transitioning from the classroom to home life can feel downright impossible. We have heard many teachers struggle with feeling like they are present at home in body only. No matter the job or the workload, the inability to coalesce both body and mind into the present can leave anyone with an unhealthy sense of imbalance.
The profession of K-12 teaching is unlike any other. Teachers are counted on to be community anchoring points and weathervanes of civic morality. They are expected to exude and emulate the best of our current cultural norms and be reliable examples of civility and good manners. They are expected to hold themselves to a moral standard that is beyond the community norm and remain shining examples for the next generation of our community’s youth to follow and exceed. Teachers live their lives with discretion and discernment, always aware of the public’s expectations and the moral obligation the profession requires.