The Well Teacher | humanworks press | Blog
Holiday Tips for Teacher Wellness
It is important to recognize that not everyone is equipped to or has the stamina to dive head-first into the holiday season. So, whether you’re a festive fanatic or not, here are some tips to help any teacher navigate this holiday season, so they can return to the classroom feeling a little more recharged and a ready to tackle the rest of the school year come January. -
New Year, New You. But, is it Really?
Welcome to the new decade. Here we are. The New Year is supposed to feel cleansing, exciting, and brimming with possibilities. But, as we tuck the sparklers and the confetti away for next year, it turns out this New Year may not actually feel very new at all. Especially when, for most of us, the holiday season feels hectic and exhausting, and we come back to work still fighting the same cold we had three weeks ago. So, as a teacher, how do you get yourself through the rest of the school year without burning out?